Open a Single File

How to open a single specific file from a specific folder which contains many files?


Use Directory.GetFiles(“PathOfFile”)

Kommi Jeevan.

can you please elaborate?

in other hands you can use the click activity.
indicate on screen option=> indicate that specific file (which one is you want to open)…

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Use Start Process Activity Pass the path of the file.


Use Assign Activity

filelist = Directory.GetFiles(“Path”)

filelist data type is a string of array

For each activity

item filelist

Use start process activity pass item.

hi @ADITYA_MUKHERJEE you can also use Directory.GetFiles(“PathOfFile”) this expression in assign activity…
in to field create one variable and use the above expression in VB expression field… as @kommijeevan told

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this will open all the files in that path right?
but i want to open only a specific file in that path.

Use Start Process Activity Pass the path of the file.


specific file means what will be the extension of that file ?

.xlsx, excel files.

No worries.

  1. assign Variable “str_getfiles=new FileInfo(item.tostring)”
    2.assign another varibale “str_type=Path.GetExtension(item.tostring)”

then your workflow.


chrees :slight_smile:

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mark solution if you got your answer so that it will help others.

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