One work flow need to run two times one day? How to set Trigger?

I have one workflow, I want to use orchestrator set schedule to run it, I need to run on 12:00 am and 17:00 pm each day except holidays, How to set Trigger? Thanks


The easiest way is to create two seperate triggers in Orchestrator with the time stated.

If you only want to use one trigger you can try with Cron expression.

Try with “0 0 0,17 * * ?” and verify if this is the expected result.

To exclude holidays, you can either use the build in “Non-Working Days” function or with logic


Please use this cron expression

0 0 0,17 ? * * *


Hi @sunny.zhang

Set the specific times at which you want the workflow to run. For example, set it to run at 12:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Select the days of the week on which you want the trigger to be active. Check the boxes for the relevant days.

Enable the “Exclude Holidays” option to exclude holidays from the trigger schedule. Orchestrator uses a pre-defined list of holidays, but you can also customize the holiday calendar if needed.
