One or more errors occured --> Value does not fall within the expected range

@juka …Can you provide url .

Unfortunately I think that you won’t be able to open the link as it is an internal web application.

yes(The url is your workflow is not opening). Is parentid also changing for that particular selector.

Yes it seems like it is changing between two values.

can you paste both…?


But I also tried it with
parentid=‘p_datagrid_*amilien2anmelder’ and it didn’t work either.

Sometimes it works but most of the times it doesn’t. I also get the same error when I use click image instead.

wy don’t you try with parentid=’ * ’ like this …previously while extracting data i’m also faced the same issue (like only some of the part chaning), so i used wild char at that particular position, but no use… so i placed wild char for entire id…like title=’ * '.

Thank you. I just tried that and it worked now three times in a row for the click on the + but now it throws the same error message one click later even tough the selector seems not to be changing. But it seems to be a selector issue anyway, right?

Edit: Now I tried it a fourth time and it didn’t work again for that first click. It’s really driving me crazy…

“Click ‘A javascript://’” … are you getting error at this click button … for this button also get the selector using UIexplorer.

I get an error for those two:

The first one worked now three times in a row after editing the selector like you suggested but I tried it some more times and now it doesn’t work again even though I haven’t changed anything. The three times the first click worked I got the same error message for the second click on the screenshot.

For the second one this is the selector:

<html title='Unycom 2019.1' />
<webctrl css-selector='body&gt;div&gt;div&gt;form&gt;div&gt;div&gt;table&gt;tbody&gt;tr&gt;td&gt;div&gt;div&gt;a' parentid='main' tableRow='1' tag='A' parentclass='type-ahead-values' rowName='Anmelder:' idx='2' />

remove the css selector in that selector and if id value not changing ok, otherwise use wild char for id…

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I tried this selector:

<html title='Unycom 2019.1' />
<webctrl parentid='main' tableRow='1' tag='A' rowName='Anmelder:' />

and one with the id but both didn’t work also * for id didn’t work but it seems like the id is not changing.

Also the click before is very unstable and works only every other time or even less.

Also try to change the Attribute WaitForready to None

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I changed it to None but it still throws the same error :frowning:

You have to keep Idx since it is the anchor from Anmelder to that click item.

Aslo try with UiExplorer using Indicating Anchor.

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try with combination of hotkeys to click on + symbol and Edit symbol.

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I tried those two selectors to click on edit but they don’t work:

<html title='Unycom 2019.1' />
<webctrl parentid='main' tableRow='1' tag='A' idx='2' />

<html title='Unycom 2019.1' />
<webctrl parentid='main' tableRow='1' tag='A' rowName='Anmelder:' idx='2' />

Ich will try it with hotkeys and tell you how it worked!

I tried this:

But the problem is that now my “click span” doesn’t work anymore even though I didn’t touch it. Before it worked at least sometimes but now I tried it 4 times in a row and not a single try worked. I’ve already tried everything that came into my mind. Before this click I do multiple clicks which work perfectly fine but from this point on nothing works. Unfortunately I cannot use hotkeys to click the + symbol.

can you get the selector using uiexplorer for that click span.(try to get atleast two times)… is the action of + symbol and name are same ?.. Is name a button or header type.

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No it’s not the same I need to click on the + symbol. Name and + are both header types I think.
First time:
And second time:

It’s exactly the same I think. The second try worked, the first one didn’t without changing anything. I really don’t know why.