Oledb connection string to un wrap header text of excel file

I have an Excel file where the header is comming with wrap text

I am reading this excel file using oledb connection string and string it in datatable.

Is there a way to first unwrap the header text and read the excel file using oledb connection?

Hi @Pinky_AG

Use Format Cells & remove the check box for wrap text. If it is already wrapped it will remove the wrapping
After doing this you can use the oledb connection string

Other way

  1. Open excel using Excel App Scope and check Visible property of it,
  2. Use Select Range activity and give range for one col like “A1:A20” OR “D2:D100”,
  3. Use Send Hotkey activity Alt+H+W


Hope this helps :slight_smile:

The first activity which you are using to unwrap, i am not getting that in my studio…where i can see this? And does it has any limitations?

Hi @Pinky_AG

This is the modern activity. There is no limitation.

You can turn on the modern experience in UiPath

& You can find this activity in Excel activities. You may need to update your Excel package.

Activities - Format Cells.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: