OData.Count missing from Orchestrator HTTP request

When attempting to run a simple HTTP request to the orchestrator, the OData count is missing when I run remotely (started from assistant). When running directly from studio this count is present, I have saved both responses:
Ran remotely:


And then when ran locally:


This used to work remotely but doesn’t anymore, all that’s changed is I have recently updated to Studio 22.4.0

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Hey @moulton

The remote run was ran by a robot which has access ?


Yes, I have ran this multiple times in the past remotely just fine. This issue has only cropped up today

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Hey @moulton

You are using orchestrator http activity, is that correct ?


hi @Nithinkrishna

Yes I am

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Cool, and this is exactly due to the folder issue then ?

So now what’s the endpoint you are trying to call here ?

And did you mention the folder path in the activity?


I don’t think its due to the folder path as, when I run it on my local studio, the process works perfectly fine. It’s as soon as I publish it that the HTTP request returns slightly different responses.
Here’s my request:

"/odata/QueueItems?$filter=QueueDefinitionId eq {0} and CreationTime gt {1} and CreationTime lt {2}",

In a previous step I loop through each queue in a folder and store its name and ID in that dictionary

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Hey @moulton

You are passing a queue definition id here right, just pass that folder path in which the queue is present in the Orchestrator HTTP activity which will do the trick, Try once please…


Do you mean in the Misc input “Folder Path”? If so that value is populated.
I am still receiving a valid JSON response from this request it’s only the odata count that is missing

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Hey @moulton

Yes that input prop.

But you are saying the response has queue items but not the count of it ?


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Yes it does have the items, I need to keep track of the number of returned items as its the escape condition in my while loop. As I’m querying a cloud based orchestrator it only returns 1000 items, so having this OData count helps me keep track of how many loops are needed to extract all items.

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okay got it, just pass in the odata query to return count as mandatory parameter.




Okay, I’ll give this a run and let you know

/odata/QueueItems?$count=true&$filter=QueueDefinitionId eq {0} and CreationTime gt {1} and 

This has worked, thank you very much @Nithinkrishna

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Cool buddy :+1::innocent: @moulton

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