OCR txt.substring to extract data

I’m using the Get OCR text and it pulls the information. Now I’m trying to assign a value and i use this: txt.substring(txt.IndexOf(“*EMAIL ADDRESS (Please paste image from Source if available):”)+“*EMAIL ADDRESS (Please paste image from Source if available):”.Length , txt.IndexOf(“*COMMENTS:”)-(txt.IndexOf(“*EMAIL ADDRESS (Please paste image from Source if available):”)+“*EMAIL ADDRESS (Please paste image from Source if available):”.Length))Reading AWD Email Image with Google OCR.xaml (9.5 KB)

My issue is I’m trying to pull the email but the email is on the next line not right after the:

Do you know how i can tweak my assign to work?


I got this figured out and do not need any assistance. I will attach the flow just in case someone else wants to see it.Reading AWD Email Image with Google OCR.xaml (9.5 KB)