OCR Scraping problems

The screen scraping wizard is easy to use and intuitive. But I can’t figure out how to edit the OCR selector with it. The other two (Edit Selector, Open in UI Explorer) are not what I am looking for. When I was watching the videos, I’m pretty sure that the upbeat British guy was able to go back and make changes.

The reason that I’m trying to edit it, is because Microsoft is choking on the word “France” in the Level 3 test that I’m working on, telling me an obvious falsehood of “scrape returned empty text” when its clear as day “France”. It seems to understand “Germany” just fine. No idea why it dooesn’t like France.

There should be a selector property in the relevant activities that were recorded. It may be collapsed, where you may need to expand the section to see it. Have you pasted the selector into UI explorer and highlighted what it’s finding to determine if it’s scraping the right part of the screen?