i have got an error in write range while extracting the data from web
error-Write Range: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This means you are using a variable that is not defined or is null.
Thanks for ur reply.
it is solved… i hve one query i m extracting the data which has
how to extract the data from all the pages when i select the single arrow click it extract for only one page will u pls help me
thanks in advance
Are you using the Table Extraction wizard and clicking the “Next Button” button to tell it which object is the next page button?
yes i m using it
but when it comes from multiple pages it ask do you want scrapping for many reason i choose yes thn the nxt wizard comes in that some web pages include nxt pages but in my cases one is single arrow and other is double arrow which button is used???
@guptasweb Go for double arrow and see how it works
The double arrow will take it all the way to the last page.
Use the single arrow. Are you clicking this button in the Table Extraction wizard, and then identifying the single arrow button?
thnks…it works…
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