O se encontraron ventanas abiertas para "uipath.studio.launcher.exe"

Tengo el siguiente error y he buscado por toda la web y no encuentro nada parecido. incluso si busco por uipath.studio.launcher no aparece nada… este error ocurre cuando ejecuto un proceso en un maquina desatendida.

detalle error : “take Screenshot ‘uipath.studio.launcher…’: No se encontraron ventanas abiertas para “uipath.studio.launcher.exe”. Compruebe si funciona la aplicación.”

@German_Alberto looks like you are trying to take a screenshot of a window that cannot be identified at runtime. It’s either because it does not exist or the selector fails to correctly identify it. Try inserting a verification (ElementExists/CheckAppState) before taking the screenshot, and log the status. At least you can understand more about its state … I guess it is a remote machine where you run unattended automation and cannot visually follow what’s executing?