Hi All, I tried searching and using some solutions but I cant sort this
I have a program that I am trying to publish but when i do the package size is coming up at 800,000kb!
I have tried deleting previous versions from my machine, and saving in different folders but its always the same
Is there something inside the package I am looking for, I understand its publishing previous versions with in the package but i just cannot find them
WE so have several Options to inspect a NuGet package
WE would recommend to start an Analysis by the different source folders and its Site. Maybe some temp Data, which can be deleted is driving the package size
Open the .nupkg file using a zip archive tool (like 7-Zip or WinRAR) to examine its contents. Verify if there are any large or unnecessary files included that can be removed or compressed.
Also review the dependencies included in your project. If there are dependencies that are not required for your specific use case, consider excluding them or replacing them with more lightweight alternatives.
The previous version was only 134,000kb which while still big was much less, the only thing I have changed is the value of a string variable, all other dependances, workflows, everything is the same
Turn on “show hidden files and folders” in Windows Explorer.
Is the automation storing files somewhere? Is it REFramework or some other template that’s set to take screenshots on error and you’ve done a lot of testing?
Hi, It is a reframework, its a robot that downloads PDF files, processes and stores them on an application so it is possible that is the case, I did look but maybe I need to dig deeper