Not scraping data from entire page

Something like this has been added for scraping of SAP tables, but I don’t think it is implemented in classic data scraping! :frowning: Check out this thread aswell: DataScrapping on an infinite scrolling page

You could try around with different browsers! Chrome/Firefox/Edge might give different results.

Actually I would do it like you mentioned before and I’ve done this before in an old academy assignment:

  • Use an Element Exists activity to check if a button for the next page exists.
  • Then add a While activity using that Element Exists output-boolean as a condition.
  • Add the same Element Exists activity (you might need to wildcard the selector) to the While sequence
  • then click the next page button in the While sequence (this click will fail on the last page, because there is no button. You can catch it with Try/Catch or only execute it in if with the element exist output-boolean).

You should have your structure to loop through pages until you have reached the last page now.

There is! Put a Repeat activity with pgdn hotkey and repeat 7 at the start of the While sequence. Then do your data scraping, but do not indicate there is a next page, we use our own structure for this. And there you should have it:

While the button for the next page exists, your bot will scroll down, scrape data, click next page. Then on the last page it will check for the next page, scroll down, scrape data and not click.

You will probably need to merge the resulting DataTable from the current page to a master DataTable, but then you should get all the results for all the pages in one DataTable :wink:

Hope this helps!