I was unable to log on to orchestrator even with the correct credentials. I tried doing ‘forgot my password’ and it said that the email was sent but I never received the reset password email. I am trying to log back in somehow. Any help would be appreciated.
Have the SMTP settings in Orchestrator been configured correctly?
I believe so. If not how would I be able to modify if I cannot log in.
Isn’t there anyone else who can log in?
No I am the only person with an account
Well then you’ll need to reach out to support. In the future, it’s always good practice to have more than one account in a system.
Am I able to get the ‘license code’ necessary to contact them anywhere outside of in my account?
You would have received the license code in mail when you purchased please search for it
It was the community edition so I did not purchase anything
For community you cannot raise a ticket…you need license code to raise ticket to contact
@loginerror - Can you please help here
I hope this was fixed in the meantime. If not, please let me know