Not receiving Alert mail from Orchestrator

Hi All,

I am using the community edition of Orchestrator it was supposed to send mail in case of Alert(see screenshot) but it is not doing it Although it did for 1 or 2 times after that it is not working.
Can anyone help me with that?
Here is the screenshot.

I have given the roles as well to the user.
Any help will be appreciated.


Hi Anmol, can you please check this guide: Setting Up Email Alerts


@ovi- I did the same steps but not sure why it is not working.

@anmolk171, try sending a test email from a sequence in studio using the “Send SMTP Mail Message” activity with the same configuration.

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Hi @anmolk171,

Orchestrator mail alerts is like sending error summay report for every 10mins in case of any error events. It is a kind of monitoring for every 10mins and if there is no error on that 10min timebox, no mails would be sent. A mail will be triggered only if there is some error event happened in the 10min timebox.

There wont be any instant email alert after an error event. Hope this helps.

Follow the steps for setting up a password for your gmail, Setting Up Email Alerts

Kindly check your orchestrator mail settings as below

SMTP Username - your email ID
SMTP Password - the password you generated from the above link

Test email once, to make sure settings are right.

Save it. You will receive alert summary report for every 10mins only if there is any error.

Alert mails which I recieved,

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