Hello everyone, I am taking courses at Level 2 - Orchestrator 2018.2 Training, I encountered such a problem in the UiPath Orchestrator settings, I enter the data as in the lesson, Url address https://platform.uipath.com/
and my computer key is connected to the program but in the status it says that there is no license although the license I will continue for another month
Is the robot assigned in an Environment?
In Domain\Username you put login to your computer that’s robot runs on.
Hey @Aleksandr.Garanin.
@mateuszmacheta’s right
Where is the computer login? can throw off the screen image
1.Open Cmd
2. Type echo %userdomain% and press enter … it return some value…example(ddd)
3. Then type again echo %username% and press enter … it return some value…example(uuu)
so answer would be
Hi @Aleksandr.Garanin
It’s new version (2019.8) bug
use 2019.4
Thanks a lot it worked!!
Hi All,
I am also facing exactly the same issue but not resolved yet. I checked my domain, username and password, still my robot in orchestrator showing as disconnected, while uipath robot status in local machine showing as Connected, Unlicensed. Appreciate if anyone can help me to sort this out.
Thanks in advance.
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