Not able to upload certification files

Not able to upload Certification files. Please help.


Are you referring to the Uipath certification final practical examonation? Does it show any error?

Yes UiPath Certification. It doesnt show any uploaded files.

For the practical exam, you have to upload the entire solution as a .zip file… after you select the file and click upload, does it show the file there? It only shows the name of tje zip file in a small cage as i remember…

Can you share a screenshot if you dont mind?

My time is over now :frowning: will have to reattempt

Oh… Im sorry… in your next attempt, try doing the same and if anything is wrong, share it here so anyone who sees it first can try to help you out…

I will…Thanks!

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Good luck for your next try…

is there any way i can send the files for evaluation?

Since the evaluation is a fully automated process, you have to upload it to their certification platform. Thats the only way as i know…


i am also not able to upload the certification zip file in uipath academy.

some time back only i uploaded, but in result option it asked me to again upload but since then i uploaded several times it shows like this below

kindly help me fast

I am also having the same issue. I tried to communicate to UiPath team but every time they send me a mail like resubmit it again. I have tried it 10 times but not getting the result :pensive::pensive:. I am stuck please someone help me!