Not able to select the UI Elements in Dektop application

Hi Friends ,

I am trying to select element below as shown in image, but UIPath identifies the whole area as list box and does not element each column as in the application, in the application we could click that area and it open up another window.


UIPath selects the complete area.

I have marked the area in Red, where i am trying to click.

I am using studio version - 2019.7.0 Beta.74

Any help is highly appreciated.


Hi @robinsonjoseph,
Not all applications are compatible (in term of UiElements). Try using computer vision package and it’s activities instead :wink:

Hi @Pablito

I used CV Scope, and still these elements do not get recognized.



Those gray boxes are similar. I think you should experiment with CV Click on particular text and then send hotkey like arrow down to navigate to proper box.