Hi all, am trying to open pages from multiple links in the loop while extracting the text from the particular field being changed while the text was in some other dimension in another page even I had given if condition to check if get text is empty then try to get in other location but am not getting output. Please, can anyone give a solution would be helpful.result.zip (13.2 KB)
Use Anchor Base Activity and inside use Find Element Activity to identify element and use Get Text Activity to get the text.
Hi @DivyaT - Could you show me the page and field which you are trying to extract text.
I have attached the link in that we have to provide required details it’s directed to table page if we click on each casenumber it will directed to page which having more information in that am trying get only DOB and putting In excell.
I have already opened the link, I am not aware what are fields to key in to locate that page. Hence I have asked you to show that page or help me to navigate to that page.
Please find the images attached as a zip files if you clicks on casenumber it will directed to other page and from that page extract DOB date and store back to excel, if date in next line its not extracting that text.img4.zip (599.9 KB)