Not able to find the UiPath.Excel.Activities.Business.ExcelApplicationCard activity

Hai i was searching for how to create pivot table then i got some link and downloaded example xml the xml has UiPath.Excel.Activities.Business.ExcelApplicationCard package but i was not able to find that in my studio manage packages but the xml file which i open has those activities and they are running in my project but not able to find if i want to get directly from activity list can any one help me


The Excel Business Excel Application Card activities are with StudioX, I believe you have opened your studio in Studio Pro / Studio

Change your profile as below

Click on the highlighted and once you select the UiPath StudioX then studio restarts and open in StudioX

Hope this may help you


@Srini84 does it effect any of my automations already build
what is the basic difference between those 3


Usually we go with Studio / Studio Pro for Developers / Advance Developers

StudioX is for Citizens who are not technically strong

For more details on Studio X

Hope this may help you


@Srini84 Can we use XML files build in studiox in studio or studio pro


For StudioX you can’t find any activities
Suggest to use UiPath Studio Pro and install UiPath.Web.Activities from Manage Packages

Hope this may help you



in case of you want to use StudioX Activities in Studio do following:

StudioX developed automations can be opened in Studio. But changed modellings will not be compatible back to StudioX. So be carefully on this and take always a backup of your projects

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Thank you @ppr @Srini84 now i got it

Thank you @ppr @Srini84

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