Not able to extract the data using Extraction Automation Builder

Hi Community,

invoice-three-rpa-uipath.pdf (38.2 KB)

I’m extracting data from the above pdf using Extraction Automation Builder in the Document Understanding. I’ve followed all the steps provided in the documentation of this, but still after final run the whole data from the pdf is not getting extracted as you can see in the attach image.

Please suggest how to get all the data .


Hi @siddhi ,
You can try my WF

read pdf file.xaml (8.1 KB)

Thanks @Nguyen_Van_Luong1 for the response.

But as I explained above that I need to extract data using Extraction Automation Builder in the Document Understanding. So can you please explain that and check why data is not being extracted using this step.


Hi @siddhi ,
Can you share your xaml file? I will check it
I think in this process should use read PDF with OCR

Hi @Nguyen_Van_Luong1

Can you please check below link

I followed these steps that mention here.

In this no need of xaml file.


I understand here web studio buddies, I will try with your file




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Hi @siddhi ,

Please ensure that you have the correct extractor model selected. I guess you are using the invoice from India so try to select Invoices India model and check the results. I just tried it and it worked fine for me.

Thanks @vkalra ,

It also worked for me.

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