Hi ,
I am facing issue while deleting inactive packages. It throws 404 Not found error . The user is admin with all the required access , but still not able to delete the inactive packages .
We are using licensed version .
Please help .
That process is in a tenant or folder feed?
Are you using an on-premise Orchestrator?
Can you observe while using the inspect tool and choose to download that package version what is the error? It may be that only the mention of it remained in the Orchestrator database, while the physical file is not found.
Hi @Marian
This package is present in folder feed . Even the packages in Tenant level are not getting deleted .
Yes we are using a licensed version of UiPath , it is an on-perm orchestrator .
Also the user is organization administrator , has all the view , delete access at the folder and tenant level .
When I am trying to download inactive package, it is giving error saying Package not found . Please look at the below screenshots for reference.
There is nothing to do with user permissions.
That package doesn’t exists. You need to soft delete it from your Orchestrator database from these tables [dbo].[PackageMetadata] and [dbo].[PackageDefinitions].
UPDATE [uipath].[dbo].[PackageMetadata]
SET [IsDeleted] = '1'
WHERE [Identifier] = 'Testing.process' AND [Version] IN ('1.0.10')
UPDATE [uipath].[dbo].[PackageDefinitions]
SET [IsDeleted] = '1'
WHERE [Identifier] = 'Testing.process' AND [Version] IN ('1.0.10')
After performing the above, let us know if the package was removed and was not visible anymore in UI.
I have found the issue , this happens when Delete verb is not allowed in IIS . You need to allow “Delete:True” verb in Request Filtering section for UiPath Orchestrator hosted in IIS , then it will not give this error .
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