Not able to capture parent window selector in windows 10 using UiExplore


Steps to reproduce:

Current Behavior: Not able to capture parent window selector

Expected Behavior:need to capture parent window selector

Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version:

Last stable behavior:
Last stable version:
OS Version:windows 10
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):

Hi @vignesd,
Please give some more info about your problem so that we can analyse.
What do you mean by parent window selector? Can you please elaborate ? screenshot will be helpful.


can’t get a higher level selector

Hi @vignesd,
Thanks for your response but with this much information i am not able to analyse anything.
What i can suggest is:

  1. You can use Internet Explorer and try.
  2. Check the web control properly for proper selector.
  3. Using UiExplorer you can add/remove your selector attributes also.