Not able to automate Citrix based Application

hi team,

I have installed the Citrix runtime in the cilent machine and extension in my development machine. I trying to connect to the Citrix using receiver but i am getting the error of Citrix running is not running although it is running in the Citrix machine.
Can anyone please help to resolve this

the application is under apps when i login to citrix using web browser and click on apps and click on application

Team can anyone please help me out

Make sure that the version of Citrix Receiver installed on the client is compatible with the version of the Citrix extension that you have installed on your development machine. Sometimes compatibility issues can lead to connectivity issues.

Refer this thread, it will be useful in your case

from where i can get the details compatibility means for which citrix receiver the extension is suitable

My Citrix receiver version is 14.9


Please check this


Is your development machine’s citrix version is 14.9 also?

If same, check for firewall restrictions.

Correct me, if I’m wrong, the problem is that you installed the extension “in your development” machine. It must be installed on the Citrix server, right?

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