Not able to add new robot in orchestrate 2018

Newly install orchestrator 2018.1.4, logged in as admin, but I am not able to add new robot.
The + button is deactivated. I am able to create ENV.

@meenakshi_malik Please check if you have you added the license file in orchestrator.
(+) button is deactivated when license file is not uploaded or when licence is expired.
Check bottom left most corner .
Please let me know if above reasons are not valid in your case.
For ex:

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I have a licensing issue on the training platform orchestrator (see attached print screen).
i don’t know if it’s an orchestrator issue (i’ve read somewhere the online account is valid only for a limited period of time) or a robot license issue (my old license expired and I’ve renewed it) - studio works fine, the standalone robot works fine… so i’d lean towards the first possibility.
any ideas, before trying with a new training platform orch. account?
thanks and cheers!