No Robots for Modern Folder, how to schedule the jobs when it is not in Modern folder.
Hi @Muthusamy_Nellaiappan, welcome to the Community.
Can you please be more specific about the issue that you are facing, so that we can analyze the same?
Best Regards.
Welcome to the community
You should first assign a robot role for any of the users
And also assign an unattended license to the machine
any help document to migration classic folder to Modern folder which also include about the Robot machines.
Thanks Anil, but we added Robot machine for Modern folder , in triggers it is asking for machine name and user or group name , but we can able to add machine but not the user which we used to login that machine . In classic folder it is clearly defined Username , but in modern folder , we can able to add the username for that machine and we dont see any provision to add username for Machine as well .
Can you please help on this to add username for machines to Modern folders.
Please go to tenant → manage access → user you want to use and click edit…then select role as robot
also if you added machine I hope you gave a unattended license if not please allocate again for that you have to go to machines edit and allocate
Once try going through the video that would help in seeing the exact navigation as well