No reliable selector when data scraping

hi all,
I am trying to extract some details (like company name , company type and location ) from a web page which spans multiple pages, I used data scrapping activity. But when I select the location the values selected are not correct ie, instead of location i get Company type. Can someone please help me with this . I’ll attach my workflow with this.

Extract_CompanyData.xaml (8.9 KB)

Please check the position of the selector specified. If the selector corresponding to the company type is dynamic used anchor base activity. Also change the idx=“1” to dynamic idx like you can give idx=“*”. Please check

hi @shubham_sethibefore change.txt (856 Bytes) Changed_XMl.txt (883 Bytes) ,

I tried your method, but it didn’t work. After trying different methods for a while i solved it by editing the XML code in data scraping. I’ll attach the XML code before and after with this.

Thank you.


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