No Internet access for Development Machine

Installer(.exe or .msi): .exe

License type(Free, Trial/License code): Purchased

Studio/Robot version: 2018.4

Current behavior: Working Fine


Hello All,

I installed Uipath Studio and Robot in My client Dev Machine. My issue here is I don’t have Internet access for this Dev machine which is blocked because of security concerns. So my questions are

  1. I am not able to download Some packages(Activities) because Studio is not able to connect with the server. Is there any other way to download packages(Activities)?
  2. My client Side IT team are saying if I can give them the Repo or website name that Studio downloads packages from then they can give Internet access to that website.
    From where Uipath studio Downloads packages into the studio. Is it Repo or any website?
  3. Does Studio Need Internet access if we are Uploading NuGet packages?

Thank you,

You can get the sources from Package Manager Settings


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