Next line in excel

I need the robot get web information and write in a excel table…

This information have some lines, and I need the robot write in the next line …

For example: 12

Somebody can help me ?

You can store the web information in a datatable and finally use Append Range activity to append it to the excel file

I’m using “Get Text” and “Write Range”, but I don’t know how the robot can write in the next line in excel … because I put a fixed range, for example: “A2” and I need the it’s write in “A3”, “A4” …

You can build a datatable using build datatable activity. Then when you get the value from web using get text, you can use add data row activity to add this value to datatable. After you have added all the information from web to this datatable, you can use the append range activity to append the data to the end of the excel file. You don’t need to mention the range in append range activity

Can you send me an example ? pleeeease …

Otherwise you can use “datatable.Rows.Count” to find the last row of excel and use write range activity to write it to next row.

Can you send me a printscreen ?

I didn’t understand well …