New Trial key expires 2 week?

oh sorry, I did a week ago.

A week ago, you had three weeks?

yes, three weeks.

start from 18/06/2018 to 10/7/2018

Did you write to the support team?

No, I didn’t. but I will do renew license.

how will you do it?

just contact the sales UiPath. maybe they will give me some queries purposing of the extension.

the trial version, which includes the possibility of using orchestrator???

do you mean install orchestrator on your local machine, right?

I mean the publication of projects in Orchestrator and their autonomous work

I understand your point. As I know Trial package will include the Orchestrator Installation mean that you can install orchestrator on your local machine but if you install community edition there is no orchestrator installation but you can use cloud orchestrator provided by UiPath.