Need your help on DU _Output is not as expected

Hello Team,

I was actually practicing DU challenge in UiPath Academy. I have following doubts kindly help me to clarify.

There are two category of IP file

  1. Credit card form PDF
  2. Account opening form and KYC form merged PDF

I am getting output for credit card and account opening form but KYC extraction output is not there.

I have definied classifiers and extraction methods clearly but i dont know at where i am doing wrong. I have attached my workflow, please help.

And one more doubt is there is a requirement in extraction like below, how to extract the data in these case and how to define taxonomy for this

Field - Nationality
Checkbox - Indian/Other
Condition - Extract the Nationality text if Other is selected (8.3 MB)

Hi @Anusuya_Ravi did you tried other extractor like generative ai extractor this will might help you to extract details from kyc

Hi @Anusuya_Ravi ,
For me the workflow is working fine, I was just doing an update in your input file assignment to Directory.getFiles(YourDirectory). Could you provide some more information, on what you where actually expecting?