Hi team, I wan to write data from a specific column from a datatable into an excel sheet column one by one in a loop. But in write range activity I am getting complier error which says String cannot be converted to System.Data.DataTable. PFB snippet.
HI @vidyasak
Welcome to Community !
Use assign Activity and then in the left the column name(row(“Yourcolumname”)) you need to update
in the right side the value need to be updated (row(“PD”).ToSTring)
Use the write range below the for each row in datatable
and then give dt1 in the field below sheet name
If I understand you correctly, you want to write only a specific column’s row from Data Table one-by-one to a specific Excel column? If that is the case, you can use Write Cell activity with a counter to specify the column and row.
Thanks Sudarshan. It was fixed.
That’s great kindly close the topic by marking the solution , so that it will be helpful to others @vidyasak
michael: issue was about data type mismatch. fixed now
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