Need to remove the some mail id from the excel file

Hi all,

Excel file has few mail id’s, if the mail id contains these mails needs to removed from the excel file.
Tried using if condition, it’s not working. Please guide me on this.

-Use the “Read Range” activity to read the data from the Excel file into a DataTable.

  • Use the “Filter DataTable” activity to filter rows based on the condition that the email address column should not contain “”
    -Use the “Write Range” activity to write the filtered DataTable back to the Excel file.


    Read Range: ExcelSheet -> DataTable

filteredDataTable = dataTable.Select("EmailColumn <> ''").CopyToDataTable()

Write Range: filteredDataTable -> ExcelSheet

Hope it helps!!

yourDataTable.Rows.Remove(yourDataTable.Select("Email = ''")(0))


@Dilli_Reddy , mail id is not fixed it will be changing. Domain name is fixed. is fixed

If any mail id’s ends with

this has to be removed from the excel.
In this case what to do…


Try this:

Dim filteredRows = dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) Not row.Field(Of String)("EmailColumn").EndsWith("")).CopyToDataTable()

→ Use Write Range Workbook to write filteredRows.

filteredRows is of DataType System.Data.DataTablr.

Hope it helps!!

can you provide which mail ids you need to remove like on what basis , is there any common values in that column

dtExcelData = (From row In dtExcelData.AsEnumerable()
               Where Not row.Field(Of String)("EmailAddress").Equals("")
               Select row).CopyToDataTable()

Mail id’s needs to be removed


Please go through these mail id’s

try this:


Hi you can use below steps:

  1. Use the “Read Range” activity to read the Excel file and store the data in a DataTable variable.

  2. Use the “For Each Row in Datatable” activity to loop through each row in the DataTable.

  3. Inside the loop, add an “If” activity:

    • Condition: row("Column_Name").ToString <> ""
  4. Inside the “If” activity, use the “Remove Data Row” activity to remove the current row if the condition is not met.

  5. After the loop, use the “Write Range” activity to write the modified DataTable back to the Excel file.

or you can use below query

YourDataTable = YourDataTable.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) Not row.Field(Of String)(“Column_Name”).Equals(“”)).CopyToDataTable()

can you try this once

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(a) Not a("EmailColumn").tostring.EndsWith("")).CopyToDataTable
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@Shiva_Nikhil , able to remove the mail id’s as expected.
Thanks for helping…

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