Need to read a word in PDF file and if that word exists should remove that page and save the other pages

@maddy99 - Here is sample workflow…

  1. Using 'Get PDF Page Count" and get the total # of Pages Say IntPageCount
  2. In the For each Loop, Enumerable.Range(1,IntPageCount) - This will loop through all the pages in the PDF…
  3. Inside the For Each First, Read the PDF Text and output to StrPDFText
  4. Next Assign Statement Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(StrPDFText,“Invoice”,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

Match is Boolean Variable. Here i am looking for the word “Invoice”

  1. If Match is true and It mean search word is found on that page, so do nothing or Print anything you want , In the else part using “PDF Splitter” from BalaReva Activities Split that Particular page where the match is not found

21 Pages splitted, Page 22 has the word Invoice…

  1. Combine all the pages using “Join PDF Files” activity.

That’s it…Done…