@maddy99 - Here is sample workflow…
- Using 'Get PDF Page Count" and get the total # of Pages Say IntPageCount
- In the For each Loop, Enumerable.Range(1,IntPageCount) - This will loop through all the pages in the PDF…
- Inside the For Each First, Read the PDF Text and output to StrPDFText
- Next Assign Statement Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(StrPDFText,“Invoice”,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Match is Boolean Variable. Here i am looking for the word “Invoice”
- If Match is true and It mean search word is found on that page, so do nothing or Print anything you want , In the else part using “PDF Splitter” from BalaReva Activities Split that Particular page where the match is not found
21 Pages splitted, Page 22 has the word Invoice…
- Combine all the pages using “Join PDF Files” activity.
That’s it…Done…