Hey @ushu I tried with what you suggested but it is giving me row.count=5, There is 2 NULL values and 1 Failed Vaule for Status. So, It should be 3 right?
@PALKUMARI_PATEL It looks like you need success, failed and null values related to a specific data, then why don’t you use only the first expression. It returns all the values
select * from Records where [Current_Date] = ‘"+ Now.AddDays(-2).ToString(“MM/dd/yyyy”)
I have to check if Failed or null values in the status column, then need to go ahead and open each of the reports on Website and download then update the status Success.
I think you used wrong letter case for filtering “Success” in the query , you have used “success” but from data screenshots it is of the form “Success”
And use the query as suggested by @ushu ,
then use filter datatable to remove the records which have “Success” and process with remaining datatable
Hey , I noticed that even from my database also it is giving me wrong number if I am selecting particular date which has 2 records (1) failed (2) Null, IT is giving me total 4 records.