Use get outlook mail activity to get the mail with variable of type list of mailmessages names out_mailmessages
use a for each loop to iterate through each mail in the list by passing the variable out_mailmessages as input to the loop and change the type argument as mailmessage type
3.Use a assign activity to split the mail body into array of lines like this with variable of type string array
out_body_array = item.body.split(Environment.newline.ToArray(),Stringsplitoptions.Removeemptyentries)
3.Then use a for each loop to iterate through this array of lines
like by passig the out_body_array as iput with type argument as string in for each loop buddy
inside the for each loop us a if condition like
if this condition gets passed
in then part of if condition use assign activities to get your outputs buddy @Puneet_Singh1 like this
out_invoice_number = item.split("-“c)(1).ToString.Trim
out_invoice_date = split(item,” “)(1).ToString
out_invoice_amount = split(item,” “)(2).ToString+split(item,” ")(3).ToString
Buddy may i know how that line OPENBILL-491737 17-APR-17 $ 248,982.34 would be exactly , we are almost done, its just index issue buddy we can sort this buddy @Puneet_Singh1
OPENBILL-491737 --This is Invoice Number
17-APR-17 this is date
$248,982.34 This is the invoice amount.
I need to get these value from string OPENBILL-491737 17-APR-17 $ 248,982.34
Still Invoice amount and date not displaying…Anyways thanks @Palaniyappan i will look into it and let you know once done.
Again thanks a lot for quick responce.