Need to download a report from a website based on the row name


I am trying to automate a download process from a website. The client requirement indicates:

  • Download a report every week. It needs to be the latest file available
  • The number of the week is included in the row name
  • to select the file to download, check the checkbox

This is the screen

I can’t specify row number since is not static. Every morning the company adds reports to rows above my criteria/table, hence the rownumber change by a random number.
The website from where I need to download the table is structured as a whole table, not multiple tables.

My guess is that I need to validate that the row name (cell highlighted in yellow) contains the number of the week required and then check the checkbox

Please I appreciate your help!


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did you try with anchor base activity? in find element activity, selec the last row, and make it dynamic with * in the selector. clikc will clikc the last check box.


Hey @Paula_Rodriguez

Is it the biggest week number from which you need to download the report ?


@Paula_Rodriguez Lets say today you have to run the process, then do you have to look for row name which is one week back from now (Ex: Todays date is 04/02/2022 >> file name is between 27/03/2022 to 04/02/2022) . Is that right ?