Need to create a dynamic folder to store the log on any machine

Hi, I am getting the following error when I try to run my process. I also need to create a new folder at a particular location when my process is run on any machine.

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If you have any shared drive folder then you can use it here. So that all Bots can access that shared drive and write logs there.

I have the path where it should be logged. So the bot should create that folder in that particular path on any machine it will be run.


Is error path already exists in that machine and still you are getting the error ?

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Hey @Anived_Mishra

Use some environment folders inside which you will create logs and that will be common to any machine.


Thank You, will try.

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It is solved now. I had to create a folder to save the logs.

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Cool @Anived_Mishra :innocent::+1:

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