Need to add color to column header in excel

Hi everyone ,

My requirement is i need to add color of particular format to the excel headers below one
Headers background to black , text 1 , lighter 25% and bold the headers

Merge and color Headers - #16 by supermanPunch wrt to this topic
not able to find the correct parameters for the bold and lightening using system.drawing

@supermanPunch @Palaniyappan @Yoichi @ppr

Thanks in advance


Have a view on this



FormatCells activity will help you.


But the header position is dynamic

@supermanPunch any suggestions?

try to use this activity----set range color to set color in some range


UiPath.Excel.Activities. ExcelSetRangeColor allows you to alter the colour of a particular cell or cell range by making use of a variable named Color. Excel Application Scope and Use Excel File are the only contexts in which this feature can be utilized. Properties The colour that was extracted is known as the “Input Color.”