Need help with Assign and data table

Hello and thank you in advance,

I’ve been using UI Path for about a year and I’m working on a bot and I’m having an odd issue. I’m using an Excel Application scope with a Read Range activity and I am linking it to the data table named WorkInProgressTransactionTable. The error I’m getting is when I use an Assign as follows:
Assign: strReqType = row(3).ToString
As soon as the program encounters this piece of code it throws an error which says, in red
Assign: This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.
How do I resolve this error?

Thank you


Can you share your workflow file?


It seems to be that you’re trying to use a deleted item of datatable
You can refer this link

@Yoichi Thanks for your help. When the website changed the log in method I was unable to log in using my old user ID and I had to create a new one. The new one doesn’t allow me to attach files or upload more than one image per thread.

Now to answer your question. I am reading an Excel spreadsheet called “Web Scraping.xlsx” using the data table “WorkInProgressTransactionTable” but my UIPath is pulling from a data table I had read previously called dsDTLOA. How do I keep this from happening?

Thanks again