Need Help with advanced level, assignment 2. unable to navigate to WIDetails

Good day,

Currently I am on assignment 2(Performer) of advanced level training.

After uploading the yearly report, the work flow will logout straight away and open another internet explorer to start downloading the monthly reports, compiling into yearly report.

It was supposed to head to WIDetails page to update individual Vendor status to “Completed”

This is the error message I am facing :
System exception. Retry: 0. The given key was not present in the dictionary. at Source: Invoke System1_NavigateTo_WIDetails workflow

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Could you please check whether you passed arguments properly or not System1_NavigateTo_WIDetails workflow.

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The above error usually face is if you are not passing arguments properly or if you mispell the config file names, check again


checking it out. thanks


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