@prateek.mehandiratta9 Hi I will be very happy to learn how to use vba code to automate legacy desktop application. Can you help me how can i do that. Please the the learning resources also.
Thanks in advance
If you’re running it in a locked session, you are not running it in unattended mode. You need to be running it correctly before you try to troubleshoot code.
@postwick I have been executing the process using unattended robot from orchestrator using time trigger. I don’t create a session of rdp like login to the system. Orchestrator itself create a session. Scenario is like this. Is my process is attended or unattended in this case ?
That’s unattended. If you’ve logged into the server using the same account as the robot, make sure you click Start and sign out - don’t just close the RDP window. Just closing it leaves the session open and locked.
Exactly So in unattended mode I can’t use hardware as input method right? otherwise it was perfectly working with hardware input method.
Yes you can use hardware input method for unattended automations. I do it all the time.
When I use hardware as input method then I got error message like target element cannot bring to foreground. How to resolve this issue then?
Thanks @postwick
It’s because you have the session locked.
As the process is triggered from orchestrator and session is also created by orchestrator of its own. How to prevent from session locked issue then.
Log into the server using RDP and the robot account. Click Start and then Sign Out.
Now try running the job.
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