Native citrix Automation: How it works

It is mentioned that we need to install Remote runtime .msi file to make this feature work.

I havent installed that .msi file. But, I could see that all the click activities are working fine on the Citrix Applications and not the type activities with this feature.

Can someone please explain how this feature works exactly.

Hi @rameshgp43

You can check out our documentation here:

Also, you may request the Citrix runtime installer from our support :slight_smile:

Hi… I got the above mentioned doubt after reading this article only.

is it mentioned that we need to install citrix receiver plugin, remote runtime etc. for this Native citrix automation to work.

I have installed none of the above. But, I am able to record all the click activities in Citrix app using native Automation recording wizard.

i am confused on how this is possible

Hi @rameshgp43

Could you post a screenshot of an example of your selectors in this case?