Naming output file uncorrectly

Hello friends (@rkelchuri, @Rammohan91, @balupad14, @vvaidya, @loginerror, @aksh1yadav, @MAHESH1, @Florent_Salendres ),

I have to develop a process defined by the following steps:
• Access to the website;
• For each line of the input excel file, performing some actions on the website;
• Save result for each excel row in an excel output file.

The problem is that you need to log out from the portal every 6 lines of the input excel file.
The output file is updated with each transaction and is called temporary.
The problem I encounter, in the project I am attaching to you, is the fact that the output file is renamed each time adding always a “temporary”; for example, after 12 transactions, it is called “temporary-temporary-temporary” input, instead of “temporary-input”. (1.9 MB)

  1. Could you kindly check the project and find the error?
  2. Could you kindly provide me with a suggestion (example of flow), on how to perform these steps and correctly name the output file?

Thank you so much for your precious help.

can you please specify the sitename and where exactly that you rename the file ! , i don’t think that your issue is related to empty field checkbox !?

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Thank you @alialroomi for the time you are dedicating to me.
I cannot share the url of the internet page for security process.
The name of the output file is referenced in the workflows:
-Finally part of the Process Transaction, in the Main

Can you please help me?
Thank you,
Camilla :slight_smile:

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