My Post Is Not Live - Seeking Help

Hello UiPath Community,

I posted a genuine project-related question, but my post isn’t live in the forum. I followed the guidelines, but it’s stuck. Any advice?

Here is the link of my post -

Thanks in advance!

While trying to access the link you provided, it says that the page does not exist or is in private.
Please check your post settings :slight_smile:

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I would guess its waiting for a review from an admin. You probably triggered some moderation but talking about other RPA Software and they want to have abit of control on that.

Thanks for the suggestion, But my post is not shown yet.

I think you should create a new one, it’s probably glitched :confused:

CTRL+C CTRL+V and make a new post with the same content.

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Thanks for the response . I post a question but now it is shown this error : page doesn’t exist. prism .

Okay . Thanks for your response.

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