Hi, right now I’m working on excel files, but the excel’s size is very big and it make my excel file not responding . However, my UIPath didn’t have any errors but it not save my file.
Did you guys know that, how to check / wait if my excel file is not responding?
Thank you
(Srinivas Kadamati)
September 11, 2020, 11:43am
Welcome to forums
As your excel has huge records then consider to use Excel as a database
Check below post for your reference
Hello Everyone,
Today I am sharing a document on building a new ConectionString for Excel.
Hope you will find it helpful. Please share this link if someone is interested in this topic of UiPath !
Greeshma Sripada
UiPath- Build ConnectionString _Excel as Database.pdf (295.2 KB)
Hope this helps
Thank you for your respond. However, I have a lot of excel files around 20k files. Do you have other solution?
Thank you
(Srinivas Kadamati)
September 14, 2020, 5:28am
What automation you are doing with the excel file
If you give steps, we can check and give the solution