Multiple conditions


I need to create a decision table like:
if a=0 and b>1 do Sequence1,
if a>0 and b>1 do Sequence2,
if a>0 and b=1 do Sequence3,
if … do

It could be done using Data table and Excel to compute the condition but I’d like to know if there is a simpler way. May you help me?

Thanks in advance!

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You could use the Pick and Pick Branch activity for this kind of scenario.

Regards :smiley:

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I think you can also try using the Switch or Flow Switch activities



Thanks! But I can’t understand how to set the trigger!

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I did some test here to check if I could do something that could solve your problem and realized that @Christopher_Gomez option is more viable to you.

The pick activity would be better in an environment with buttons and images, not numbers.


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Use state machine it will help u

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eventually I found an effective way to switch based on string variables: flow switch.

Using simple Vb if statement and flow switch one could invoke different workflow.
Hope this will help.

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For anyone reading this topic, I thin the activity Else If could be useful for the case planted here