如何截網頁的指定區域圖,開啟msg檔,貼上截圖→發送 How to paste the screenshot in the *.msg mail and send?

Flow as list 流程如下

  1. Open the web page then cut a select area screenshot. (like snipping tool)

  2. 開啟網頁,截取一張指定區域的圖片

  3. Open the *.msg mail(outlook) that already stored content, title, recipient list.

  4. 開啟已經預設好收件人跟郵件主旨、固定內文的Outlook *.msg檔案

  5. Paste the pre-cut photo (not attatch) in the mail and send it.

  6. 貼上剛剛截的圖,發送Mail

Point: 我卡關的地方

  1. Can not identify UI when I try it again cause the content in the web page had change.

  2. Can not open the .msg file correctly.
    msg 的路徑,也是沒有動靜。


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