Move Mail Error: Value Cannot Be Null, Parameter: Message - But there is an email!

Hi Guys!

Good day!

I have an issue with Move Mail 365. There is certainly an email in the Variable being passed as argument to the Move Mail activity, but it gives out the Error saying that it is null.

This was working with Move Exchange Email, with the same variables.
But since we need to use 365 now, we have to change to 365 mail activities.
But now we’re getting issues like this.

Please kindly advise!



Instead of passing the email object, just pass the Email Id and get email object by using Get Email By Id activity. Use the object from this activity to Move or do further processing.

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Hi Ashok! Thank you for the response! Could you show me how it is used? Or is there another way? Thank you!


Ok let me try to share something


conversion directly to office365 type might not work

in your get email use mail.ID would give the id if not it would be present in headers


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Here is the way to download files from the folder.

After downloading the file to default Temp folder location, you can use move file activity to move it to the desired folder.


Code: (271.4 KB)

Thanks Anil! Will check that one out!

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Hi Ashok! Thank you very much for the effort! But i was looking to Move the Mail to another folder within the same shared mailbox. Please kindly advise. Thanks!


My bad the solution and code provided here was for another thread. :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Let me try for your problem.

no worries Ashok! thank you and sorry for the trouble!


Try this way.