I have sub folders in which some folder contains both json and image files but some folder contains only image files . I want to move that folder which contains both json and image files form one directory to another. Need workflow
Please help me out i am stuck in this situation.
Thank You
This could help you buddy @Akshay_Singh
Thank You
Like how i can move that folder which contains both json and image files from one directory to another directory.
How i will move that folder which contains both json and image files form one directory to another?
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Here you use move directory .
first you need to check the folder contains Json and Image files are not.
then you can use the command Directory.Move
hii Venkat
Can u provide me workflow for that how i will check the folder contains json and image files .
Here is the Xaml file which will check Json files or JPG files
if yes it will create folder and copy the files.