Move Exchange Mail Message: The remote user mailbox must specify the the explicit local mailbox in the header

Hi, I am trying to move the read the email from “Inbox” to subfolder “Inbox\Processed” using Move exchange Mail message activity but I am having an issue stating- The remote user mailbox must specify the the explicit local mailbox in the header.

Anyone could help is much appreciated!!

Thank you,

Hi @reddyabhishek788

Welcome to our UiPath Forum :slight_smile:

Could you let us know:

  • how is the activity you are using configured (a screenshot might help here)
  • what is the version of your UiPath.Mail.Activities package

Hi @loginerror
I am using Move Exchange Mail Message activity. Here is the Screenshot of configuration. Even though auto discover option is enabled, I am getting an error to use Server address. When I provide server address, I am getting the error “The remote user mailbox must specify the the explicit local mailbox in the header”.
currently, I am using version 1.7.2

I look forward for your reply.

Thank you!


Hi @reddyabhishek788

The issue seems to appear and be related to server side configuration/patches, as detailed here.