Monitor Queue: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100

When I go to my Orchestrator Queue and click the Monitor Queue button the following error messsage appears: Folder does not exist or the user does not have access to the folder. Error code: 1100
It was working fine until last week, I changed nothing.

Can anyone help me on that?



This will happen when you don’t have the required permission in the folder and also edit rights of the queue

Can you re-check the permissions of the user?

Hope this may help you



Check with roles under Tenant tab in orchestrator

There we need to provide permission to the users to access the entities

For more details have a view on this

Cheers @William_Blech_Sister


I am the folder administrator, I have the necessary permissions.

I have access to all the other menu options, except the Monitor Queue, weird :frowning:
